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Meet the Team

Master Craftsman - Noah

Manastone Drums was founded by master drum craftsman Noah Pulver in 2012.  Since then Noah has personally built and tuned over 1,000 steel tongue drums, and has clocked an enormous amount of experience crafting high quality instruments.  Noah is a multi-instrumentalist including "anything with strings", as in the guitar, mandolin, dobro, and anything else with strings.

Before starting Manastone, Noah apprenticed for two years under one of the original tongue drum makers, Kaizen.  

Here we have a rare photo of Noah and captured by his grinning partner Laura.  

(photo taken 9/1/2020)


Marketing - Nicholas

Nicholas rebuild the Manastone brand and website from the ground up during the 2020 pandemic.  He's an enthusiastic supporter of all things music and creativity.

In 2022 Nicholas became a certified Sound Therapist at the Globe Institute for Sound Healing.  Nicholas has since launched his own work as a sound healer through his company 1:11 Sound Healing.  


This video features Nicholas and our Manastone Welder Matt hiking up the mountains you see in all the photos :).    


 Cool Videos by Noah


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